Novasutras Cookies for Celebrations
Sharing food is one of the key ways that humans build communities. Our propensity to share food, even with complete strangers, is something that very few other species do.
make sugar cookie dough
cylinder, chill, cut
bake and cool completely
Per the instructions. Seriously, don’t rush this, or your decoration will go all melty.
make chocolate outlines
Cut a very small hole in one corner of the bag. Pipette the chocolate to draw a Novasutras logo on each cookie. I followed the logo meditation practice, hoping to imbue my creations with extra wishes of agaya and ubuntu for all those who will eat them.
Cool until the chocolate is fully set, and does not smudge if you bump it with a finger. Don’t think about stacking them, or adding icing, until they’re really set.
make icing, paint in colors
The cookies are quite lovely and delicious with just the chocolate outlines, but if you want to go all out, you can also make colorful icings (such as Sugar Cookie Icing Recipe – and fill them in. Again, this is a great time to infuse your work with wishes for agaya and ubuntu.
I put these in a cold oven overnight to make sure they were fully set before I tried to stack them into containers for carrying.
All in all, my cookie-creation adventure took several hours (a couple of days, really, since I chilled the dough overnight, and then let the icing set over the next night). The cookie recipe itself is quick, but both the chocolate and the colored icing decorating work takes a lot of time. Consider it bonus meditation time, and it’s well worth it. Plus, you get pretty cookies at the end – ENJOY!*
*In moderation – staying healthy is also important in Novasutras practice.
Do you have a favorite recipe that would suit a Novasutras celebration? Please share your ideas in the comments below.