Screen capture from Democracy Now! broadcast on 8 June 2021 from Treaty People Gathering and action to #StopLine3 at Two Inlets site. Video at

Treaty People Gathering Defends Sacred Land and Waters in Minnesota

At the Treaty People Gathering I had the opportunity to be in ceremony with indigenous water protectors. I stood in solidarity with them to affirm their treaty rights, and to call for ceasing construction of the disastrous Line 3 tar sands pipeline through the sacred land and water of Minnesota – see and for info.

My friends Lisa Swartz and Batya Kagan were on radio KSQD describing some of our experiences – you can find it now by scrolling down to the 5pm Talk of the Bay show on this page. Michael Levy and I were also on KSQD just before we left. The four of us will share stories of our Treaty People Gathering experiences at a live event in Santa Cruz, California on June 21st.

Media Coverage of the #StopLine3 Actions in Minnesota

Extensive coverage and videos related to efforts to Stop Line 3 are available via independent news outlet Unicorn Riot. See also:

What You Can Do Now to Stop Line 3

There is much work to be done to #StopLine3. You could

  1. Call President Biden. Call the White House and Climate Office of Gina McCarthy by dialing: 888-724-8946. Tell them: “President Biden must honor the treaties and protect our climate by stopping the Line 3 tar sands pipeline now.”
  2. Help free the water protectors: 
  3. Join us. …Learn more at the Rise Coalition Facebook page where you can send a direct message for more information. 


You can also take action to get big banks to withdraw their funding for Line 3. Learn more at My friend Jim Thompson of THIS! is What We Did will be hosting new cohorts soon on how to Move Your Money.

Ubuntu and agaya to all who love and protect our sacred Earth!

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