Words and Actions: Ecospiritual news this week
Our seventh ecospiritual news livestream focused on the words we choose to inspire action on the climate emergency. We shared video and reflections on the recent Climate Week action in Sacramento. In Novasutras, we emphasize careful choices of words and actions, to best express solidarity and reverence toward all life on Earth. We avoid language that encourages framing problems in terms of conflict or violent opposition. We engage in sacred activism to resist fossil fuel expansion, protect vital tropical rainforest, to encourage economic and social justice, and to reduce suffering and to grow agaya and ubuntu around the world.
This livestream offered an approach to choosing words and actions that frame the climate challenge as a problem to be solved collaboratively, rather than a fight with winners and losers. We also encourage meditation and other wellness practices that can promote spiritual growth, deepening our power and resilience. Practicing together with a focus on global unity, we can remain effective agents for positive change, even as we experience the disruptions brought on by global injustice and climate change.
Links for this session:
- #EndFossilFuels – Sacramento March (with many thanks to Joseph DeRose for making this video available to climate activists)
- Rising Up in Sacred Activism & Empowering Sacred Activism
- Song: It’s a Good Day by Shungudzo
- Wisely choosing words and actions, as presented in Techniques to Foster Interpersonal Competences presentation and references
- Novasutras Events
Sacred Activism: suggested actions from this session
- Protect Indonesian Rainforests and Save Bukit Tigapuluh
- Become a Novasutras Patreon supporter and/or a Novasutras Uplifter (contact Michelle if you’re interested in joining our board)
- Location specific:

An excellent essay on the importance of the metaphors we choose – https://aeon.co/essays/how-changing-the-metaphors-we-use-can-change-the-way-we-think