Climate Activism Making News: Ecospiritual news this week
Novasutras’ 11th ecospiritual news livestream emphasized climate activism and other important actions to slow climate change and advance social justice.
The recording below includes images and videos from recent climate and social justice activism in opposition to the APEC summit that took place in San Francisco this week.

If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own!
Photo by Irene Wibawa
Links below offer some ways to get engaged, and to care for a nonviolent climate justice activist who was attacked by an APEC delegate.

Our guided meditation reconnects us to the underground networks of allies in nature. Meditating together, we build our strength and resilience for sacred climate activism. This practice can help us become more effective agents for agaya and ubuntu in the world, as we work toward a thriving future for all beings.
Michelle talked about the broad coalition participating in this week’s actions around the APEC summit in San Francisco. Her team’s efforts were focused on climate activism.

The three goals of the climate bloc opposing APEC:
- End Climate Pollution.
- Globalize Climate Justice.
- Stop Trade Attacks on Climate Action.

Scenes from the No to APEC Rally and March, San Francisco, November 12th 2023.
Photos by Leon Kunstenaar.
Michelle also suggested other modes of climate justice activism you can do right now (see links below).
Climate Activism and Earth Care Actions:
- Our friend Sarah White was brutally attacked yesterday by an APEC attendee, and is in the ICU for severe injuries. We are reaching out for support for emergency medical and care funds. Please donate and share.
- Is Nothing Sacred? Speak out against threatened EACOP pipeline through grave sites in Africa.
- Join a Novasutras meditation for Global Wave of Climate Action. Learn more and join the conversation on the Deep Transformation Network.
- Become a Novasutras Patreon supporter and/or a Novasutras Uplifter (contact Michelle if you’re interested in joining our board)
- USA specific:
Other Links for this session:
- Climate activism makes the news:
- Global Wave of Climate Action – Nov 1 – Dec 12 (lead up and through COP28). Join us for Global Synchronous Meditations.
- Novasutras Events