Remembrance Day for Lost Species: Ecospiritual News
Novasutras’ 12th ecospiritual news livestream was offered on the Remembrance Day for Lost Species. November 30th of each year is a time to remember those victims of what may be the Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction.
The recording below includes a meditation for Lost Species. We also show scenes from last weeks’ indigenous prayer walk, and comment on the news from the opening of COP28 (the United Nations climate talks in Dubai).

We honor the memory of those species lost to human folly.
Extinct Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
Image by Jim, the Photographer from Springfield PA, CC BY 2.0
Links below offer some ways to get engaged, and to care for a nonviolent climate justice activist who was attacked earlier this month. We provide more information about Remembrance Day for Lost Species, COP28 and other news items.
Endangered Species, Climate Activist, and Earth Care Actions on Remembrance Day for Lost Species:
- Our friend Sarah White was brutally attacked yesterday by an APEC attendee, and is in the ICU for severe injuries. We are reaching out for support for emergency medical and care funds. Please donate and share.
- Tell brands and banks to stop the destruction of critical forests like the Leuser Ecosystem – Rainforest Action Network
- USA specific:
- Join a Novasutras meditation for Global Wave of Climate Action. Learn more and join the conversation on the Deep Transformation Network.
- Become a Novasutras Patreon supporter and/or a Novasutras Uplifter (contact Michelle if you’re interested in joining our board)
Other Links for further information:
COP28 begins
- “The future is green, or there is no future” – delegate in “High-Level Session on Systems Change and Innovation for Climate and Sustainability Action”
- “Countries at the COP28 UN climate summit in Dubai have committed $420m to a historic fund for areas suffering the effects of global warming” – BBC News Surprisingly good news, although estimated need for Loss & Damage Fund is much higher.
- Oil CEO uses COP28 negotiations to promote oil deals – BBC News & Centre for Climate Reporting
- Climate Action Network has a portal for COP28, including Fossil of the Day awards.
- Global Wave of Climate Action and Global Hunger Strike for Climate continue through Dec 12th, the end of COP28. Join us for Global Synchronous Meditations.
Remembrance Day for Lost Species
- “November 30th, is a chance each year to explore the stories of extinct and critically endangered species, cultures, lifeways, and ecological communities.” ~ Remembrance Day for Lost Species website
- Novasutras Events
The video also mentioned Buy Nothing Day (day after Thanksgiving in the US). Here are links &
And here’s a couple more links about Buy Nothing holidays – &
This beautiful piece invites us to hear the “sound of extinction”: how soundscapes change over time, as habitats are disrupted –