Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes), a species that appears to have gone extinct in about 1989.
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Remembrance Day for Lost Species: Ecospiritual News

Novasutras’ 12th ecospiritual news livestream was offered on the Remembrance Day for Lost Species. November 30th of each year is a time to remember those victims of what may be the Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction.

The recording below includes a meditation for Lost Species. We also show scenes from last weeks’ indigenous prayer walk, and comment on the news from the opening of COP28 (the United Nations climate talks in Dubai).

Extinct Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
Remembrance Day for Lost Species
Image By Jim, the Photographer from Springfield PA, United States of America - Extinct Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)Uploaded by FunkMonk, CC BY 2.0,

We honor the memory of those species lost to human folly.

Extinct Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
Image by Jim, the Photographer from Springfield PA, CC BY 2.0

Links below offer some ways to get engaged, and to care for a nonviolent climate justice activist who was attacked earlier this month. We provide more information about Remembrance Day for Lost Species, COP28 and other news items.

Recording of the Ecospiritual News Episode Livestreamed on November 30th, 2023

Endangered Species, Climate Activist, and Earth Care Actions on Remembrance Day for Lost Species:

Other Links for further information:

COP28 begins

Remembrance Day for Lost Species

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