Meditate for the Amazon ~ Sign the Petition ~ Option to Boycott ~ News ~ Help Us Promote #Amazon4Amazon

Novasutras is supporting the #Amazon4Amazon effort because it is a manifestation of agaya and ubuntu and an expression of our intention to heal Earth’s Three Green Hearts. The Amazon rainforest, including the animals and indigenous people who depend on it, need a solution that ends deforestation NOW and can help reduce climate change.

According to scientists Nobre and Lovejoy, “The peoples and leaders of the Amazon countries together have the power, the science, and the tools to avoid a continental-scale, indeed, a global environmental disaster.” An immediate, multi-billion dollar investment in restoring the Amazon rainforest would prevent a catastrophic release of carbon and loss of biodiversity, and create a model for preserving critical ecosystems around the planet. It just so happens that Jeff Bezos and have more than enough money to make preserving the Amazon forest a reality.

Petition Bezos to Preserve the Amazon Rainforest

Our petition is asking Jeff Bezos and to direct the Bezos Earth Fund and/or other funds specifically to preventing a “doomsday dieback” of the Amazon rainforest. Restoring the Amazon could be the most significant action we can take on climate change today. We appreciate efforts like The Bezos Earth Fund and The Climate Pledge. However, the deforestation crisis in the Amazon basin is extremely urgent, and we want addressed immediately. They chose the Amazon name, so we choose them to step up and commit to saving the Amazon rainforest NOW!

Option to Boycott

The #Amazon4Amazon boycott effort represents an innovative way to address several problems at once:


As part of our support for the #Amazon4Amazon campaign, we offered a worldwide, synchronous guided meditation focusing on healing and wellness for the Amazon rainforest and all who live there. Sign up free to be part of the Novasutras Movement and we will send you the link to our recording of this guided meditation.

Experience the peaceful power in shared contemplation of the beauty and wonder of the Amazon rainforest and wishes for increasing well-being of this sacred place.

We meditated together on Friday, Novemeber 29th (#BuyNothingDay, a great day to free yourself from consumer culture as part of #BuyNothingHolidays.)

Amazonia News & Updates

Updates and research relevant to Amazon4Amazon plans and efforts

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Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) By Ruben Undheim, via Wikimedia Commons

Help us promote #Amazon4Amazon and the Meditation for the Amazon

A great way to help us promote these efforts is by telling your friends, and sharing this page on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. You can also print these quarter-sheet flyers and distribute them in your community.

Learn More about #Amazon4Amazon