Santa Cruz Climate Justice Crew demonstrating on Feb 25th, 2022. Signs include: "War is Bad for the Climate + All Life" and "Our Climate: 'We Forgive a Child Who Fears the Dark. The Tragedy is Men Who Fear Light.' ~Plato" Photo by Athena Ereno.

Converging Crises: Connecting climate, fossil fuels and Ukraine invasion

How is the invasion of Ukraine connected to fossil fuel funding and the ongoing climate crisis? How can activists respond? We can break our global fossil fuel addiction, reducing the incentives and capacities of warmongers, and reducing our risks during the climate emergency.

Demonstrators hold a banner reading "Defund Line 3: Tarsands Pipeline: Climate Crisis" in front of Chase Bank in Santa Cruz, CA.
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Working to #StopLine3

We stand in solidarity with indigenous water protectors, calling to #StopLine3. The proposed tar sands oil pipeline expansion would despoil the sacred land and water of Minnesota. We demand that banks stop funding Line 3 and other destructive fossil fuel infrastructure. We urge President Biden and the US Army Corps of Engineers to rescind the permits for Line 3 construction.

Treaty People Gathering invitation to join actions to #StopLine3 in Minnesota.

Rising Up to Protect the Water, the Land and the Climate

We rise together for treaties. We rise together for climate. We rise together for our water. We rise together for one another. As Enbridge builds Line 3 through Anishinaabe treaty land and the Mississippi Headwaters, we continue to stand strong in our resistance. Learn about the Treaty People Gathering, and join this effort.

Hurricane Isabel

Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Climate Action

Our sacred planet is experiencing challenging transitions, induced by the way the actions of humans are changing the global climate. To heal and restore the living world, and to protect humans who are suffering from the effects of the climate emergency, we humans must unite across many divides to transform how we live on our beautiful planet. Novasutras will participate in the Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Climate Action March 11th.

Safer greetings in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Safer greetings in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

We’ve made a short video illustrating some alternatives to hugs and handshakes, that can allow us to keep our distance physically (important for slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19) while acknowledging our emotional and spiritual connections. Two options to share agaya & ubuntu while remaining safe during an epidemic include the “Namaste” gesture (anjali mudra) and the “heart connection” gesture.

The Power of Meditating Together
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The Power of Meditating Together

Evidence indicates that large numbers of practitioners meditating at the same time has some positive effects in reducing violence around the world, including the so-called Maharishi Effect. Some studies suggest that “large scale group consciousness has effects in the physical world.” Still other studies appear to show that meditating together improves social coherence and teamwork. While these correlations may not…