Demonstrators in Washington DC holding a banner that says "People of Faith say Stop Line 3"
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Ecospiritual Community to Empower Sacred Activsim

In Novasutras, we invite the co-creation of a shared spirituality to address the needs of our time. An ecospirituality developed in community can be a source of resilience and renewed meaning for people confronting the existential crises we now face. It can help bring ecoactivists into supportive spiritual community.

Hurricane Blanca Strengthens
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Climate Anxiety: It’s Not Just You

As evidence of climate destabilization increases, more people are experiencing climate anxiety, ecogrief, and similar distress. How common is climate anxiety? How do we deal with the emotions that arise from this escalating climate emergency? Novasutras practices and events serve to nurture and uplift one another during these challenging times.

Earth seen from space. Image: NASA
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Earth Day 2021: Sources and Springs of Climate Action

The climate crisis and global biodiversity loss require us to reconnect with the sacred, living Earth and with one another in more powerful ways. We may grow to understand the ways that life on Earth seeks to become allied with us, and find ways to act in better partnership. We can unite with that awesome power that gives us life to protect and restore its vitality in joyful co-creation.

Tropical Rainforest photo by Crystal Mirallegro via Unsplash
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Falling in Love with Earth’s Three Green Hearts

Our beloved Earth has three green hearts — Amazonia, Congo and Sundaland — the worlds three major equatorial rainforest systems. These are places of unfathomable complexity and diversity, places of beauty and wonder. They are the living embodiment of agaya and ubuntu — joyous, raucous, mysterious, fierce and lovely. Join the event on Fri, Feb 12th, 9am PST.

Beekeepers learning together. Photo by Anggi Nurjaman on Unsplash
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A Community of Practice for Leading Deep Change

We seek to manifest a community of practice; to cherish our diversity of experiences, age, wealth, culture, gifts, talents and focus. A community of practice is a way that people with shared concerns and passions learn from one another, support each other, and grow in skills and abilities.