At Novasutras, we offer a variety of ecospiritual and ecoactivist events, guided meditation sessions, learning workshops, engaged conversations, and local actions. Our gatherings help us to uplift one another and support our development as agents for positive change in the world.
Global / Online Ecospiritual Event Details ~ Santa Cruz, CA Event Details ~ Recent Events ~ Planning your own Novasutras celebrations
Novasutras events emphasize the scientific truths that unite us as Earthlings. They are open to people of all faith practices or belief systems who share some devotion to Earth care and community. Many are timed around astronomical events, as a way to mark the shared journey of our planet and all its inhabitants.
Global / Online Ecospiritual Events
Check the global calendar for upcoming ecospiritual events.
The calendar above also includes astronomical events and other celebration days, to help you schedule globally relevant Novasutras celebrations. In addition, it displays Novasutras Santa Cruz and San Francisco Bay Area local events.
Our calendar also includes some events of interest that are hosted by other groups or organizations. Contact us to add your events.
Online Group Meditation Events
This section of the website may not be updated often. Check the Calendar for current listings. Meditate Together for Regeneration is typically the second Wednesday of the month. Most other meditations are hosted by Michelle on Insight Timer Live.*
*For Insight Timer Live sessions, if you’re on your phone or tablet, the link may just take you to the app, where you’ll need to search for this live session by title, or by my name: Michelle Merrill. If you’re on a computer/laptop, the link will take you to a page where you can view the live session in your web browser.
Conversations & Celebrations
This section of the website may not be up-to-date. Check the Calendar for current listings.
- first Tues of month Monthly Live Network Meeting – DTN
- Thurs after first Tues – Circle of Practice – Monthly DTN follow-up
- last Monday of month Climate Café – TRA
- Novasutras OCTAL CELEBRATIONS at Equinoxes, Solstices & Cross-Quarters
Dates are based on Pacific time (San Francisco) – check Calendar for timing. DTN events are hosted on the Deep Transformation Network. TRA events are hosted on The Resilient Activist.
Want to help us keep putting on events? Please support Novasutras by donating with your registration (for certain events), provide ongoing support via Patreon, or volunteer as a Novasutras Uplifter.
To be scheduled & previously hosted events
Calling the Corners ~ Catharsis Conversations ~ Child Hardship Fact Force ~ Circle of Agaya & Ubuntu ~ Climate Policy ~ Connect & Center ~ The Dawn of Everything Book Group ~ Deep Change Dialogues ~ Discussions in Difficult Times ~ Earth’s Three Green Hearts ~ Faiths 4 Climate Justice ~ Focusing Practice ~ Leading Deep Change Learning Community ~ Learn and Honor Sacred Nature ~ Moon Phase Meditations ~ Reconnection Rituals ~ Surviving the Future ~ Uplifters Planning Meetings
Octal Celebrations: Cross-Quarter ~ Solstice ~ Equinox

Celestial events are an excellent opportunity for synchronous global meditations, and other celebrations. We particularly encourage participation in our Octal Celebrations. Our online Octal Celebrations are usually scheduled to coincide with the timing of the celestial event (starting at least 15 minutes before it and ending after it). Learn more…