An Invitation to our Leading Deep Change Learning Community

Before the crumbling façade of normal buries us, we invite you to participate in creating a novel learning group. Now is our time to dream bigger dreams and have deeper conversations, to take actions and make connections we didn’t think possible a few months ago. 

We seek to manifest a community of practice; to cherish our diversity of experiences, age, wealth, culture, gifts, talents and focus. What tools and rituals might we learn, so we can craft ceremonies and paths that lead us all to a just and sane world? What calls to you: a self-care group, a research group, a justice group or an action group? How can we improve our leadership and relationship skills? How do we rebuild trust and bond around our shared values, needs, intentions, and visions?

Forming a Learning Community for Deep Change

In December, we came together around the vision of a learning community for people to co-create deep change (learn more). Our next steps were conversations to build trust and seek guidance from everyone about how we will proceed. In Session I (Jan 27th and Feb 3rd), we focused on our passions, touchstones, and what matters in the world today. In Session II (Feb 10th and 17th), our focus shifted to resources, both what we have and what we need, self-care, and actions that may result from our individual and collective conditions. In Session III (Feb 24th and Mar 3rd), we asked, “What does this community want to do? How is this community being called to move forward?”
On April 28th, Michelle guided this process for clarifying intentions.

The original morning cohort agreed to continue as a learning and intention-supporting community. We are trying to find a time that might work for more people to participate. Please complete this quick poll to indicate your preferred times.

If you can’t make these times, but you’re interested in joining a community of practice, contact us and let us know.

Deep Change Dialogues

The evening cohort preferred an open meeting for monthly conversations about how humans may thrive as better integrated members of the living world (with particular emphases on climate and livelihood). We are reconsidering the timing for these discussions – make your selection here.

Surviving the Future Conversation Group

We started this group to discuss topics emerging from David Fleming’s Surviving the Future: Culture, Carnival and Capital in the Aftermath of the Market Economy. We decided to open them as more general topical conversations without expecting any specific reading. If you don’t have the book, you can get a sense of the topics and tone by reading the Introduction and perusing the Lean Logic website, and decide if you’d like to read more. We are reconsidering the timing for these discussions – make your selection here.

Gathering Leaders for Deep Change

On December 8th & 9th, we brought in many voices from our community to share their interests and insights into how we can best serve this calling. What emerged from these sessions was the importance of an ongoing sense of community and our need for connection. We seek to bring our deep values and full hearts, with an eagerness to learn together how to lead transformation in alignment with our truest spirits. We long to embrace our curiosity and welcome many points of view, in an atmosphere of trust.

From Our Brainstorms

“authentic connection with a lot of presence”
“accurate, attuned, heart-to-heart”
“build community in a time of division”
“align with the natural and with justice”
“find ways to come from our heart”
“want to participate, be inspired, offering my gifts”

We welcome you to join us as we step into this adventure. We are planning to have two cohorts, one in the daytime and one in the evening. People may participate in one or both.

This is the time we have been waiting for. Show up, speak up, step up. Be truly human, and being that, be well.

If you are interested, sign up, and we’ll include you in future conversations.

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