Want to keep up-to-date with all of Novasutras Santa Cruz ecospiritual, community, and ecoactivist events? Subscribe to our Santa Cruz email list.
Our Santa Cruz Area Events
3.21.23 Climate Justice Crew Action
- Climate Justice Crew Action
- Shinrin-Yoku (forest immersion)
- Climate+Land+Water Celebration
- Stand with the Amah Mutsun to Save Juristac
Want to see more local events? Please contact Michelle if you have suggestions or can lend a hand.
See also: Santa Cruz Community Calendar
And of course, you can always join Novasutras online events, too.
Local Organizing for Climate Justice
Calling All Santa Cruz Climate Justice Activists:
Sign the petition: Demand U.S. banks and insurers stop funding fossil fuel expansion
More info on Divestment from Santa Cruz Climate Action Network

We’re organizing local efforts to #StopTheMoneyPipeline that funds climate chaos, and we need your help!
Want to donate funds to related climate justice actions and activists in North America?
Other links for Line 3 resistance efforts ~ Support Novasutras in our outreach efforts
Local Actions
Immediate Action in response to climate justice struggles — SIGN UP to get involved
Recent Climate Justice and #StopLine3 actions in Santa Cruz
More actions to come
sign up to help prep
More info
This page gives a bit more info about how to #StopTheMoneyPipeline and switch to local banks and credit unions. There are more tips and tools to Move Your Money here.
Collection of links to #StopLine3 news, resistance actions in Minnesota, national petitions and calls: tinyurl.com/ResistLine3

Novasutras Engagement
Ways that local Novasutras Santa Cruz members have been involved in actions to #StopLine3
more info
Caroling for Climate Justice in December ~ Black Friday MMIW/MMIR Protest ~ Climate Meditation, Die-In and Civil DISCObedience at Chase ~ Climate Strike & Rally Oct. 29th, 2021 ~ Archive

Time: Tuesday, March 21 3:30 – 5pm PDT
Place: outside Wells Fargo Bank, 74 River Street, Santa Cruz
What happened: In the midst of one of a series of surprisingly intense and destructive storms, the Climate Justice Crew and allies gathered outside the oily Wells Fargo branch downtown. We stayed in the shelter of a parking garage while the rain and winds were bad. We performed our skit and sang some songs there. As the storm lessened, we marched around the bank to the main entrance. We sang and chanted, cut up our cards, and delivered a signed letter, to let them know that the people want them to change their policies and stop funding fossil fuels.
Missed the fun on 3.21.23? Sign up, and we’ll let you know about upcoming actions. Meanwhile, there a few other things you can do and learn:
How we got the word out: Our press release. Print and post these flyers in public places (or contact Pauline at SCCAN for a stack of them). Print these handouts (double-sided) to tell individuals about it and encourage them to participate. Share the Facebook event. Share Roland’s First Person Singular radio spot – https://ksqd.org/roland-saher-move-the-money/ and Celine and Pauline’s skit https://youtu.be/N1UQ1o91f3M.
Sign the petition: Demand U.S. banks and insurers stop funding fossil fuel expansion
More info on Divestment from Santa Cruz Climate Action Network

We are considering doing some friendly climate conversations with bank employees in the weeks leading up to the day of action. Contact Michelle and Roland if you’re interested in participating in those.
Listen to Dr. Michelle Merrill and Roland Saher discuss Banking for Our Future
On January 16th, 2023, Climate Justice Crew organizers Michelle and Roland were on KSQD radio show Exploring Santa Cruz with host Mathilde Rand. We talked about actions to get the big banks to stop funding fossil fuel projects. Listen now
Novasutras and #StopLine3
The Line 3 pipeline expansion is despoiling the sacred land and water of Minnesota. It is a project of Canadian fossil fuel company Enbridge, to increase their exports of climate-destabilizing tar-sands oil. Line 3 violates treaty rights of the indigenous people to fish, hunt and harvest wild rice. We were honored to stand in solidarity with the indigenous water protectors leading the efforts to #StopLine3.
Donate to Frontline Efforts for Climate Justice
Take Online Actions to Defund Line 3
To learn more about the national movement, sign more petitions, and find other ways to help, see tinyurl.com/ResistLine3

Saturday, February 18th, 2:00
meet at UCSC North Perimeter Lot
Join us as we are ‘bathed’ or immersed in the sensory experiences of time among trees. Shinrin-yoku (a.k.a. forest bathing or forest immersion) involves mostly walking slowly through a wooded area, incorporating plenty of chances for standing still or sitting while you appreciate the details of the beauty around you, taking time to re-connect with the natural world.
Please be considerate regarding masks and safe distancing practices.
Heavy rain cancels (but light rain does not).
RSVP for details and updates

We will start with a brief explanation of shinrin-yoku practice, plus a brief meditation to prepare us. Then we’ll spend an hour or more on our own, gently and reverently immersing ourselves in the sensory experience of the woods. At the end, we’ll re-assemble and share insights from our experiences.
We will be outdoors for the full time – please dress in layers and wear comfortable clothes and shoes for spending time on an easy and accessible trail. If you won’t be able to walk or stand for the full length of time, please bring a portable chair or stool, and we’ll help you settle in somewhere to enjoy the trees.
Novasutras encourages wellness practices like shinrin-yoku to keep us resilient and engaged with earth care, community, and climate justice work. Come join your fellow activists and others who hold the living world in reverence for this restorative practice.

Possible places for upcoming Shinrin-Yoku
Likely weekend locations:
Schwan Lake Park, Live Oak, 17th Ave
Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, Felton
Likely weekday locations:
Main Grove Loop or Fall Creek Trail at Henry Cowell Redwoods S.P., Felton
Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, Felton

Video of Michelle introducing Shinrin-Yoku, Main Grove at Henry Cowell Redwoods
Indicate your preferences here – https://forms.gle/1sTAnzyA8bTQxySV6
Climate+Land+Water Celebration
We are considering gathering in a different location. We may schedule this around the March Equinox.
We typically plan these gatherings for weekends around the Equinoxes, Solstices, and Cross-Quarters. Weather and other factors may cause us to reschedule – SUBSCRIBE for updates.

Always free – all are welcome!
This is a public celebration, to raise our spirits, raise awareness, and raise the vibration in these troubled times. Festivities will include Land Acknowledgement and Connecting the Corners, , and creating a mandala together (bring seasonal flowers and foliage, or other natural objects to celebrate the beauty of the season in Santa Cruz). We will offer other activities and may include meditation, plus poems, chants or prayers brought by participants. We may do some sun salutations together. Plan for about 2 hours.

Invite your friends: you can share the Facebook event, or use social sharing tools on the Eventbrite listing once it is scheduled.
If you are driving, please ARRIVE EARLY to find parking and get settled in.
Gather with us to celebrate the seasons. Our presence creates resonant messages for hope and collaborative action to protect, preserve and restore what we love through community celebration.
Depending on interest, we may include some meditation together. Meditation may be still and seated, silent or guided. Walking meditation is also an option (Michelle can provide guidance if you are unfamiliar with walking meditation practice).
We will be outdoors the whole time – please dress in layers and wear comfortable clothes to be ready for sun or fog and lots of wind. You may want a blanket or pad to sit on. If you don’t want to sit on the lawn (or do walking or standing meditation for the full length of time), please bring a portable chair or stool. Please be considerate regarding masks and safe distancing practices.

There will be some signs or banners around, inviting passers-by to join us in our celebration, and offering a glimpse of Novsutras values. We will have some signs available for you to hold, if desired. Help us brainstorm sign ideas, or create one of your own! You are welcome to bring your own sign to hold or wear around your neck, with inspiring messaging about the climate and environmental crises (such as “listening for Earth’s guiding wisdom”, “we are all in this together”, “envision solutions for the climate crisis”, “a world that works for all beings”, “one planet, one people”, etc.). We prefer signs that are solution- or values-focused, and try to avoid messages of outrage or confrontation at these events (there are times and places for those, but that’s not our intention here).
Stand with the Amah Mutsun to Save Juristac
The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band’s most sacred site, Juristac, located in the Southern Santa Cruz Mountains near Gilroy, is threatened by a proposal for an open pit sand and gravel mine.

Now is the time for action in solidarity with the Amah Mutsun!
The Santa Cruz County Friends of Juristac have meetings on the third and fourth Thursday of each month.
*Given the ongoing public health risks of COVID variants – while these events are outdoors, we still encourage attendees to be mindful of social distancing and wearing of masks, particularly when we have many elders and others with less robust immune systems. Please respect any requests to mask or keep your distance. If you feel sick – please stay home.
Santa Cruz County COVID-19 guidelines
Climate, Land and Water Celebrations & Shinrin-Yoku
We are testing locations and times for more frequent gatherings in Santa Cruz. Contact us or take this survey to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Caroling for Climate Justice – December 2022
RSVP to let us know you’re interested, and what times or days might work best for you.
Wednesday, Dec 21st, 3:30
Farmers’ Market
We’re hoping to find a good time for next week, also – please let us know if you’re interested. We’d love to bring in more singers. We had a lot of fun on Wednesday, Dec 7th, 3:45 at Farmer’s Market and Saturday, Dec 17th, 1:00 on Pacific Ave. Weather forecasts look good through the 24th.

Please let us know to expect you, so we can be sure to have enough songbooks, etc.
The holiday season is time for merry hijinx! We’ve already got the song books, we’ve already got the silly hats… the time is nigh for some Climate Caroling! We can be ever-so-slightly disruptive to the consumerist takeover of the holiday season, sending a message of change while spreading the joy of alternative takes on caroling classics. We’re restoring the tradition of public holiday revelry that challenges the status quo.
Don’t want to sing along? No problem! For climate caroling actions, it’s important that we have a few people distributing handouts to our audience/passers-by, and it’s good to have at least one person taking video & pictures.
Want to go but can’t make these times? Use the RSVP form to let us know, and we’ll see if we can schedule another session to accommodate other folks who want to be part of the festivities.
Climate justice activists in Santa Cruz are invited to come Caroling for the Climate
Learn our songs here:
Climate Caroling Booklet
YouTube Playlist: Santa Cruz Climate Carolers
YouTube Playlist: Instrumentals for Caroling
Learn more…
For these events, you’re invited to wear festive holiday clothes, Santa hats, etc. We will be handing out out flyers about ways people can reduce their complicity in climate chaos (for instance, inviting passers-by to move their money, and providing more information about the Big Bad Banks‘ complicity in funding unjust fossil fuel projects).

Celebrate the Season with some Holiday Hijinks!
Scenes from Climate Caroling in 2021

Videos from Climate Caroling Dec 14, 2021 (thanks Tyler & Pauline!)
Happy Holidays & Peace on Earth
Fourth Friday Climate Justice Actions at Ocean & Water 2021-2022
Next action: TBD
Our focus has been on urging Chase and other big banks to divest from fossil fuels. We are considering other intentions, actions and approaches.
For most actions, we need volunteers to:
- Hold banners and signs
- Hand out flyers to customers and passers-by
- Take photos and/or video clips to use on social media
Climate justice activists in Santa Cruz were demonstrating in front of Chase Bank at the corner of Ocean and Water Street, to call for a halt to Chase’s funding of fossil fuel projects. We urge local customers to move their money, in solidarity with national and global efforts to stop the money pipeline.
We were gathering at the corner of Ocean St. and Water St. in Santa Cruz at 3:00 on the 4th Friday of each month.
May’s 4th Friday included a Civil DISCObedience flash mob.

Please SPREAD THE WORD. Share photos and videos on social media.
A photo from our 2021 Black Friday action was in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. More info from Black Friday demonstration.
This protest was in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders in British Columbia, resisting the construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline through their sacred headwaters. Learn more at https://www.yintahaccess.com
Tell your friends to check it out at & share the event on Facebook
IF YOU want to HELP PLAN THESE EVENTS – we welcome input. We particularly welcome the leadership of BIPOC and Global Majority people. Sign up here.
Chase Bank is the largest funder of TransCanada Pipelines Ltd., who are responsible for the Coastal GasLink project. Climate justice activists are advocating that people move their money out of Chase Bank until it stops funding fossil fuel expansion projects like Coastal GasLink in Canada, Line 3 in Minnesota, and Keystone XL, particularly those that go through indigenous lands without free, prior and informed consent by indigenous communities.
COP26 highlighted the urgency of global responses to the climate crisis. The International Energy Agency has said our only pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C must include “no investment in new fossil fuel supply projects.”

These actions are organized by the Santa Cruz Climate Justice Crew, including a local XR Affinity Group, Novasutras Santa Cruz and others.
Save the Trees
Oct 26, 2022 Santa Cruz Farmer’s Market
This current city council and management has posted their intention to KILL our beautiful 100 YEAR old Magnolia Trees on Lot 4 by Farmer’s Market. These trees are healthy. Santa Cruz City Voters are deciding this election whether to protect the site or allow a proposed parking structure and associated development. Why is the city threatening to remove these trees now?
Tree cutting permits for trees in the Farmer’s Market lot were posted on all trees Oct 18. Appeal deadline is Oct 30th – SCCAN are working on submitting an appeal right now.
Please pass this request on and (if you haven’t already) fill out this form to Save The Trees:
The Territory Follow-Up Conversation
Film Screening and Initial Conversation November 16, 2022 & Follow-Up Conversation Dec 2, 2022
The official film website notes that the film will be aired on National Geographic TV on Dec 1st and be streaming on Disney+ starting Dec 2nd.
We collaborated with Santa Cruz Climate Action Network to offer an online screening of this feature-length documentary, followed by conversation via Zoom.
Registered participants were emailed info about how to participate.
Synopsis: The Territory provides an immersive look at the tireless fight of the Indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people against the encroaching deforestation brought by farmers and illegal settlers in the Brazilian Amazon. With awe-inspiring cinematography showcasing the titular landscape and richly textured sound design, the film takes audiences deep into the Uru-eu-wau-wau community and provides unprecedented access to the farmers and settlers illegally burning and clearing the protected Indigenous land. Partially shot by the Uru-eu-wau-wau people, the film relies on vérité footage captured over three years as the community risks their lives to set up their own news media team in the hopes of exposing the truth.
Run-time: 83 mins ~ Produced by: Documist ~ Co-Produced by: Uru-eu-wau-wau community ~ Distributed by: National Geographic Documentary Films ~ Theatrical Release: August 19, 2022 ~ Streaming release: December 2, 2022 (Disney+)
Post-Election Gathering 2022
Share a fire and good company on Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz
Rain cancels. Always free – all are welcome!
We’ll create a ceremony to help us process our efforts and transition through this election cycle, and our responses to whatever the results may be.

Earth Week Events April 21 – 26, 2022
April 22nd is Earth Day! Novasutras Santa Cruz and other groups are planning events around the county in the surrounding days. The Santa Cruz Climate Justice Crew considered options to best support other organizing efforts.
We wish to stand in solidarity with Temple Beth El for their Dayenu action this month. Their plan for Thursday, April 21st is POSTPONED due to rain, and will instead happen on Tuesday, April 26th (info below).
On Friday, we will join students at UCSC (info below). Michelle will host “Meditation to Rise Up Rooted: Self-Care Practice for Earth-Care Advocates” at the Quarry Amphitheater at 9:20 (info below). We will also participate in the Global Hug-a-Tree Challenge at noon (info below).
On Saturday, Novasutras Santa Cruz will have a table at the Climate Action Market at Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and Michelle will lead free guided meditations for interested participants (info below).
Other Local Events
- April 20-22
- UC Santa Cruz: Confronting Climate Change Conference April 21-23 Seymour Marine Discovery Center
- Youth for Environmental Action Summit on Earth Day 4/22/22 (primarily High School students)
- Sunday, April 24th, the City of Watsonville is hosting an Earth Day-Day of the Child Celebration at Watsonville Plaza.
Friends of Novasutras in the Santa Cruz area: If you’re attending one of the other events, tell people about us while you’re there! You could print some of these handouts about us to take with you & give away.
Teach-In & Rally at UCSC
Friday, April 22nd
Teach-ins all day, free and open to the community
Michelle is offering a guided meditation at 9:20 at the Quarry Amphitheater – info below.
Rally 12:00 at Quarry Plaza, then March to Kerr Hall.
Hug-A-Tree before or at the Rally
Joining a University of California system-wide demonstration in support of a UC Green New Deal to make UC fossil-free!
Bring an item to silkscreen! And please follow university COVID guidelines.
Campus day parking costs $8. Better to take a bus or carpool!
Meditation to Rise Up Rooted: Self-Care Practice for Earth-Care Advocates
Fri April 22nd, 9:20am PDT
Quarry Amphitheater, UCSC
(or, if rain, Amah Mutsun room in Bay Tree Conference Center)
Meditation is one self-care practice that can help us be more effective in our work, and more present as we build community. You will learn simple body scan and breathing practices to help you find a meditative state. Invitations to consider your connections to the living world will guide you into feelings of relaxation, gratitude, wonder, joy and deep connection with all beings in our beloved biosphere. We will focus on loving-kindness for the health of forest ecosystems and their importance in maintaining our climate, while improving our own well-being. This meditation practice will nurture you in your own work as an agent for positive change, cultivating a world where all people and all life on Earth may thrive.
(about 60 min, Presenter: Michelle)
Join Novasutras in the Global Hug-a-Tree Challenge
Fri April 22nd, 12-1pm PDT
In celebration of Earth Day 2022, consider participating in the Global Hug-a-Tree challenge: share a picture of you, or someone else hugging a tree onto your public Instagram account using the hashtag #hugatreechallenge between the hours of 12-1pm for it to count towards establishing a Guinness World Record title.
We would love to see your pictures; please tag us in your post, @Novasutras and @NovasutrasSCruz!

Climate Action Market
Saturday, April 23rd, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Seymour Marine Discovery Center
100 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
World-class science + community climate action with a dash of music, food, games, crafts, and more.
Learn about the science happening to understand the impacts of climate change on the oceans and our local coastal climate. Connect with local community organizations working to prepare our community for life in a changing climate.
This is a science-meets-community-action festival open to the public. Imagine a farmer’s market vibe — lots of people buzzing about outdoors with music, food, games, arts & crafts, and booths. The booths will be filled with scientists, civic partners, community organizations, and businesses sharing what they’re doing to understand and/or act to achieve healthy marine, coastal ecosystems and human communities. Learn more…

Novasutras will host a table at the Climate Action Market. Michelle will lead free guided meditations for interested participants. Meditators will gather at the Novasutras table (probably at 11am, noon, and 1pm), then move out into the quieter spaces of the beautiful coastal scrubland for our meditations.
We need volunteers to help with set-up before the event, staffing the table during the event, and packing up after the event. Contact Michelle if you can lend a hand.
Caroling for Climate Justice – Actions in December 2021
Celebrate the Season with some Holiday Hijinks!
Climate justice activists in Santa Cruz are invited to come Caroling for the Climate. In honor of folks at the front lines of the climate crisis – StopLine3.org, YintahAccess.com – we are going to give the banks a little “present” of singing alternative lyrics to popular holiday, Christmas and Chanukah songs. Check them out here: Climate Caroling Booklet ~ Learn more…
For these events, you’re invited to wear festive holiday clothes, Santa hats, etc. if you like. It would be helpful in some places if any climate justice signs were small and hide-able, so we will initially be seen as regular carolers. We will be inviting bank-goers and other passers-by to move their money, protesting the banks’ complicity in funding unjust fossil fuel projects like Line 3.

Climate Meditation & Solstice Celebration: Sunday, Dec 19th, 3:30pm, lawn near Steamer Lane Lighthouse, West Cliff Dr.
Novasutras’ Climate, Land & Water Meditation will include Climate Caroling this month (we’ll have a few Climate Caroling booklets, and a handful of sparkly Santa hats to borrow). All are welcome to join us!
Caroling for Climate Justice: Friday, Dec 24th, 3:00pm , Ocean & Water St.
We’ll begin once again at the biggest funder of fossil fuel projects, Chase Bank, then see where our merry-making takes us! Share the event on Facebook.
This is part of an ongoing series of actions at Chase Bank on the fourth Friday of each month, initiated by local Extinction Rebellion affinity group members, with organizing assistance from Novasutras Santa Cruz.
Caroling for Climate Justice – Stop Line 3 Day of Action: Tuesday, Dec 14th
The national Stop Line 3 organizers asked for a December 14th day of action at federal lawmaker’s offices, Army Corps of Engineers, etc. – see https://actionnetwork.org/event_campaigns/dec-14-day-of-action-to-stop-line-3. We also visited local branches of two banks most responsible for funding Line 3 and other fossil fuel projects (Chase Bank and Wells Fargo). In between, we caroled in the Santa Cruz County offices, and delivered a letter and booklet of climate carols to our local Representative’s office. Share your photos here.

Videos from Climate Caroling Dec 14th (thanks Tyler & Pauline!)
Happy Holidays & Peace on Earth
BLACK FRIDAY at Chase 11/26/21

Dozens of climate justice activists grieved in solidarity with indigenous land defenders, hanging red dresses to represent murdered and missing indigenous women (#MMIW & #MMIR)
Climate justice activists in Santa Cruz demonstrated in front of Chase Bank at the corner of Ocean and Water Street to call for a halt to Chase’s funding of fossil fuel projects.
Demonstrators highlighted the link between “man camps” for pipeline construction and other fossil fuel projects, and increased rates of gender-based violence in indigenous communities. Activists handed fliers to drivers and pedestrians highlighting the bank’s role in funding fossil fuel projects and encouraging them to move their money out of Chase Bank. The bank branch closed early in response to the action.
This protest was in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders in British Columbia, resisting the construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline through their sacred headwaters. Learn more at https://www.yintahaccess.com
Chase Bank is one of the largest funders of fossil fuel projects, including the Coastal GasLink pipeline.
The construction of pipelines like these is not only a path toward climate chaos, it also violates indigenous rights. Such fossil fuel projects on indigenous lands are also associated with escalated violence against indigenous Women, Girls, Trans, Two Spirits and others.
Chase Bank is the largest funder of TransCanada Pipelines Ltd., who are responsible for the Coastal GasLink project. Climate justice activists are advocating that people move their money out of Chase Bank until it stops funding fossil fuel expansion projects like Coastal GasLink in Canada, Line 3 in Minnesota, and Keystone XL, particularly those that go through indigenous lands without free, prior and informed consent by indigenous communities.
This month’s COP26 highlighted the urgency of global responses to the climate crisis. The International Energy Agency has said our only pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C must include “no investment in new fossil fuel supply projects.”
On Black Friday, we gathered outside Chase Bank at Ocean and Water Streets, wearing black, with black veils to protest and grieve this infringement on indigenous sovereignty and indigenous wisdom. We stood in solidarity with indigenous people defending sacred waters, sacred land, a stable climate and a thriving Earth for us all.
We hung red dresses in the trees and on lines to call out the epidemic in Canada and the United States of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Trans, Two Spirits and others. (#MMIW, #MMIR).
#ShutDownCanada #MMIW #MMIWG #MMIR #AllOutForWedzinKwa (sacred headwaters) and #WetsuwetenStrong
Please SPREAD THE WORD. Share photos and videos on social media. A photo from our action was in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
This action in Santa Cruz was organized by a local XR Affinity Group, with help from Novasutras and others.
Youth4ClimateJustice Climate Strike – October 29, 2021
Novasutras is proud to endorse this action, planned by local Youth4ClimateJustice. Students from UCSC, PCS, Harbor High, MHMS, Monarch Elementary, Branciforte Middle School, Santa Cruz High, and other schools walked out of school between noon and 1:30, converging at the downtown Wells Fargo at 2pm, then marching to the Downtown Commons / Farmer’s Market site by 3:00, where there were tables, speeches, and other activities.
The organization Our Downtown, Our Future also had their launch event at the Downtown Commons / Farmer’s Market location at 12:30, and were joined by the climate strikers later. Novasutras had an information table at the rally site.
Local Groups Protested at Chase Bank Ahead of the COP26 in Glasgow, 2021
An affinity group of Extinction Rebellion Santa Cruz, along with Novasutras, held climate meditations, a “Die In” and “flash mob” performances of the Extinction Rebellion Civil DISCObedience dance to “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees!
Don’t miss the next Civil DISCObedience action!
Don’t want to dance? No problem: show up to show support, hold signs, hand out Stop the Money Pipeline flyers, take pictures & videos of the action.
And, here are the best instruction videos we could find for the Stayin’ Alive dance, as first choreographed by XR Australia.
and then you can practice putting it all together with
Tell your friends to check it out at & share the event on Facebook

On Oct 8, 15 & 22 of 2021, we converged at Chase Bank, the #1 Wall Street funder of tar sands oil. Our signs and handouts encouraged people to move their money. After silent meditation and a die-in, we danced in Civil DISCObedience. On Friday 22nd, we then walked around to the back door to the bank, where we sang and chanted, and talked with approaching customers. In response, they closed the bank!
“I cannot think of an issue that deserves our attention and energy as much as the current climate crisis, and the unjust impacts of the industrialized world on the Global South, as well as here in the US on communities of color,” says Ami Chen Mills-Naim, an organizer of the protest at Chase.
Keeping the pressure on local bank branches is one of many efforts around the world to get these huge multinationals to change their policies about financing fossil fuel projects.

More info at this Google Doc: PROTESTS AT CHASE BANK FRIDAYS
“Chase knows very well what the dangers of global heating are, and we already see catastrophe–fires and floods, droughts and demon winds–all around us. Will we sit here like frogs in hot water, killing ourselves, or can we summon our love, our hearts, our courage and our imaginations to save this Earth and the life upon her?”
The groups’ intents are: To call attention to the coming COP26, to the coming Youth Climate Strike and to call on JP MORGAN CHASE BANK to heed their own report, and cease the funding of fossil fuel projects. Until then, customers of Chase and other major climate chaos funders, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo should move their money into local banks and credit unions.