The Overview Effect and Ecospirituality
The Overview Effect is the transformative experience of seeing the Earth from space. It offers a path to rediscovering awe, wonder, and reverence for the living world.
The Overview Effect is the transformative experience of seeing the Earth from space. It offers a path to rediscovering awe, wonder, and reverence for the living world.
The Novasutras term agaya represents concepts found in numerous indigenous cultures. It includes our recognition of and response to the transcendent, creative, loving and sacred beauty of the living Earth. Agaya is strongly resonant with the DinĂ© word “hĂ³zho.”
We’ve made a short video illustrating some alternatives to hugs and handshakes, that can allow us to keep our distance physically (important for slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19) while acknowledging our emotional and spiritual connections. Two options to share agaya & ubuntu while remaining safe during an epidemic include the “Namaste” gesture (anjali mudra) and the “heart connection” gesture.
Explore the history, practice and science of “forest bathing”, and how it can help you deepen your connection with all other beings in loving-kindness, with the complex wonder and sacred beauty of the universe, with what we call agaya and ubuntu in Novasutras. Shinrin-yoku practice may help you become a more effective agent for increasing ubuntu and agaya in the world.
Agaya came from merging the words agape and Gaia. Gaia references the Gaia Theory that Earth systems interact to promote life’s resilience. Agape is divine, altruistic love.
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Science continues to reveal the complex intelligence of the Plant Kindom* upon which we utterly depend for the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe.
How else can we integrate our respect for the dignity of the Plant Kindom into the way we live and shape our societies?
The intention of the Novasutras movement is to provide deep and rich soil in which a new culture can take root and flourish. It seeks to be a response that is at the right scale for the global crises that are now converging on our species, by… …sharpening our attention, cultivating a sense of…