Forest Reconnection: Ecospiritual news this week
This livestream focused on reconnecting with the forest for a more resilient body, mind, and spirit. We encourage wellness practices to strengthen our activism and spiritual growth.
This livestream focused on reconnecting with the forest for a more resilient body, mind, and spirit. We encourage wellness practices to strengthen our activism and spiritual growth.
Novasutras celebrates this Equinox with live online guided meditations focusing on global well-being and loving-kindness. We are choosing to celebrate equatorial rainforests in our Equinox festivities. They are the most verdant natural expression of agaya and ubuntu.
This September 22nd is the Equinox. Novasutras celebrates with a live online guided meditation focusing on global well-being and loving-kindness — see the video.
Our guided meditation featured a message of global wellness, joy and loving-kindness for all beings. Before and after the meditation, there was conversation with our participants. We started by recognizing our gratitude in agaya. Then we talked about what’s up for each of us with this coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic crisis, to honor the struggles of this strange time – what is difficult, what is painful, what is scary right now. After an explanation of the meaning of the Equinox in Novasutras, we Called the Corners and began the meditation. Afterward, we reflected on what we had just learned and experienced, and what the current crisis is teaching us, and then talked about how to move forward in ubuntu and agaya.
The sun will cross the equator Monday, September 23rd, at 07:50 UTC. Click below for video of our Novasutras Equinox guided meditation and conversation focusing on climate and forest well-being, from our in-person gathering in Santa Cruz about 12 hours before the moment of the Equinox.
The exact time the sun will cross the equator on its southbound journey this Equinox is Monday, September 23rd, at 07:50 UTC. Novasutras will hold an Equinox meditation focusing on climate and forest well-being, with an in-person meditation in Santa Cruz about 12 hours before the moment of the Equinox. You can watch live via Zoom, or view the recording on YouTube later.
Why are the meditations scheduled for such odd times? Why is global synchrony important?
Hints to help prepare celebrations of the Equinox, including themes of balance, global unity, orientation, transition and migration. We suggest some activities for promoting awareness of agaya and ubuntu and having fun.