Photo of person offering a gift of strawberries, by Artur Rutowski, via Unsplash.
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Offering Gifts: Novasutras and the Gift Economy

Novasutras participates in the gift economy, freely offering events and content. You can join this gift economy by sharing money or time with us. Help us thrive by telling your friends about Novasutras and our events – reach out and have a good conversation with someone you love, to reconnect and share agaya and ubuntu.

By Benjamin Gimmel, BenHur, CC-BY-SA-3.0, from Wikimedia Commons

Celebrate Well-Being on Earth for the May Cross-Quarter

On May 4th & 5th, Novasutras will celebrate the Cross-Quarter – the midpoint between and the Equinox and the Solstice. We will reconnect with the beauty and wonder of Nature, with messages of global wellness, joy and loving-kindness for all beings, in this Octal Celebration of the Earth-Sun dance. Click below for links and more info.

A Celebration to Promote Planetary Well-Being this Cross-Quarter

A Celebration to Promote Planetary Well-Being this Cross-Quarter

Celebrate the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox February 2nd & 3rd. We will reconnect with the beauty and wonder of Nature, with messages of global wellness, joy and loving-kindness for all beings, in this Octal Celebration of the Earth-Sun dance. Click below for links and more info.

Solstice and World Unity Week June 20th-27th
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Solstice and World Unity Week June 20th-27th

As an expansion of our traditional Solstice celebration, Novasutras is partnering with the organizers of World Unity Week. Events begin June 20th, and go on through the 27th, with topics of climate action, global peace partnerships, interfaith harmony, interracial justice, and the future we want to create together.