boy in white and blue shirt and blue jeans sitting in green grass
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Resources for Resilient Families and Ecospiritual Kids

Ecospirituality supports well-being in people of all ages. Our allies at The Resilient Activist have great resources for nurturing kids to maintain their resilience through a healthy relationship to living Nature. These include an upcoming class for families, Nature Stories videos and recommended activities, plus links to research on the relationship between climate, nature connection, and mental health for young people.

Awareness and response: Styrofoam litter on a creekside trail
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Awareness and response: Styrofoam litter on a creekside trail

When you walk outdoors, what things do you see that cause you to react with outrage, with sadness, with shame and disappointment for our befoibled human species? Thinking about styrofoam litter provides an example of how to transform the energy of those reactions into responses that enhance agaya and ubuntu.