Novasutras ecospiritual practices help us to be resilient and effective, even in the most difficult and turbulent times.

When we invest the time and effort in self-care practices, we are increasing our capacity as change agents and benefiting our communities by showing up as our better selves.

Recent Blog posts about Novasutras Practices

Global Synchronous Meditations
Michelle will be offering guided global synchronized meditations throughout November and early December, as part of the upcoming …
Our Home is On Fire: Ecospiritual news this week
This ecospiritual action news livestream highlighted urgent calls to action around the climate and extinction crises. These calls …
Words and Actions: Ecospiritual news this week
This ecospiritual action news livestream focused on choosing words to frame the climate crisis as a problem to …
Forest Reconnection: Ecospiritual news this week
This livestream focused on reconnecting with the forest for a more resilient body, mind, and spirit. We encourage …
Strength in Sacred Activism: Ecospiritual news this week
This livestream focused on the connection between ecospirituality and ecoactivsm.
Orangutans, Bees, Fires: Ecospiritual news this week
This ecospirituality and ecoactivsm livestream focused on orangutans, indigenous rights in Ecuador, and wildfires.
Ecospiritual Community to Empower Sacred Activsim
In Novasutras, we invite the co-creation of a shared spirituality to address the needs of our time. An …
Human Agency, Indigenous Wisdom, Agaya and Hózho
The Novasutras term agaya represents concepts found in numerous indigenous cultures. It includes our recognition of and response …
On Giving Thanks and the Power of Gratitude
Giving thanks can be a celebration of agaya and ubuntu, whether through personal practices like gratitude journaling, or …
Climate Anxiety: It’s Not Just You
As evidence of climate destabilization increases, more people are experiencing climate anxiety, ecogrief, and similar distress. How common …
Seven Daily Aspirations
Daily aspirations for an enlivening morning practice: to live each day to its fullest, without expectation, to be …
Resources for Resilient Families and Ecospiritual Kids
Ecospirituality supports well-being in people of all ages. Our allies at The Resilient Activist have great resources for …