In Novasutras, we enact change through ecospiritual community. We reawaken our deepest connection with our living world to reclaim our joy, honor our pain, grow trusted relationships, and take meaningful action in service to all life.

Ecospirtual Meditation

Meditation strengthens our resilience, connection and dedication to the living world. Experience Novasutras guided meditation sessions.

Ecoactivist and Ecospirtual Community Events

We come together both online and in person, to share information, act for change, support wellness practices, and cultivate beloved community.

People have always needed community, spirituality, and celebration. These needs increase in times of difficulty. Supportive conversations and ecospiritual practices help us respond to the vast challenges of environmental disruption and social injustice that threaten global and personal well-being today.

There are many ways you can join Novasutras ecospiritual efforts as we develop an engaged worldwide community cultivating agaya and ubuntu.
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We have an online community space within the Deep Transformation Network.
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Join our email list to receive updates and newsletters. In the past, we sent out an email newsletter about eight times per year. In 2024, these are on hold (until we get more volunteers).

Novasutras’ Ecospirituality & Ecoctivism Blog

Does it seem a little too quiet around here?
Novasutras events continue, through meditations on Insight Timer and Deep Transformation Network, and Climate Cafés with The Resilient Activist. Discussion spaces are …
Originating Impulses for Novasutras: Big Ideas for Deep Transformation
This seventh anniversary blog series will explore the originating impulses for Novasutras as a movement where ecospirituality supports ecoactivism. Can we co-create …
Remembrance Day for Lost Species: Ecospiritual News
On Remembrance Day for Lost Species, we offer actions to protect endangered species. A guided meditation honors lost species, and strengthens resolve …

In Novasutras , we come together to nurture and uplift one another during these challenging times. We are cultivating a world that works for all people and all species of life on Earth. In our gatherings, spirituality and science are honored harmoniously to understand our existence, open our minds, expand our hearts, and guide us into action.  

What Are Agaya & Ubuntu?

Agaya is a new ecospiritual term to express joy, reverence and wonder for the living world. Ubuntu refers to community, connection and interdependence.