We urge you to get involved with groups working on behalf of these beautiful equatorial rainforests and their indigenous peoples. Here are some organizations to connect with, and actions you can take, to protect and restore Earth’s Three Green Hearts.
Helping Earth’s Three Green Hearts
In July 2020, Novasutras signed on to the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative‘s Faith for Forests Declaration. We are committed to protecting these sacred equatorial rainforests. Here are some other organizations who are active and effective in tropical rainforest conservation, caring for Earth’s Three Green Hearts:
- Cultural Survival – supports Indigenous Peoples’ struggle in defense of their identities, lands, and human rights.
- Greenpeace International – petitions and direct action in defense of the Amazon and other endangered places and species.
- Rainforest Action Network – protects the Amazonian rainforest and rainforests around the world.
- Rainforest Foundation – supports indigenous communities of Central and South America in securing land rights and protecting their lands.
- Rainforest Partnership – works directly with indigenous and local communities as guardians and economic participants in protecting and conserving tropical rainforests.
- Rainforest Trust – buys and protects land in rainforests around the world.
- Survival International – works with indigenous tribes to preserve their rights and protect their lands.
- TreeSisters – funds tropical reforestation efforts, with indigenous species, local knowledge, and promoting women’s participation.
- The World Wide Fund for Nature – works to protect the countless species in the Amazon and around the world.

- Amazon4Amazon – Novasutras helped to launch this project with Paul Schaafsma, urging Jeff Bezos and his corporation to dedicate funds to protecting Amazonia: Sign the Petition ~ Option to Boycott Amazon.com ~ Help Us Promote #Amazon4Amazon
- Amazon Conservation Team – works to halt climate change, protect the Amazon and empower indigenous peoples.
- Amazon Frontlines – supports the struggles of indigenous peoples to defend their rights to land, life and cultural survival.
- Amazon Watch – protects the rainforest, defends indigenous rights and works to address climate change.
- Exit Amazon Oil and Gas – works to end financing and investment for any oil and gas activity in the Amazon biome.
- Pachamama Alliance – partners with indigenous peoples in the Amazon to stand for their rights and the rights of Nature.
- Sacred Headwaters – protects the ancestral territory of more than 20 indigenous nationalities and peoples in the headwaters of the Amazon River.

- ClimateJustice4Africa – Novasutras helped Paul Schaafsma develop this project, amplifying the voices of African activists. We helped to #RescueRemy in 2021.
- Jane Goodall Institute – putting local communities at the heart of conservation, to improve the lives of people, animals and the environment.

- Love & Science for Orangutans – We need Uplifters to help us edit and post higher-quality video of orangutans from the Leuser Ecosystem in the Sumatran rainforest from Dr. Michelle Merrill‘s 1999-2000 research project. Contact us if you’re interested in helping out.
- Sumatran Orangutan Society
- Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation
- Rainforest Action Network campaign: Save Leuser Ecosystem
- Leuser Ecosystem Action Fund
- #LoveTheLeuser

Some of these link descriptions come from http://cfgreateratlanta.org/2019/08/23/amazon-rainforest/, others include or summarize descriptions from the linked sources.