Demonstrators in Washington DC holding a banner that says "People of Faith say Stop Line 3"
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Ecospiritual Community to Empower Sacred Activsim

In Novasutras, we invite the co-creation of a shared spirituality to address the needs of our time. An ecospirituality developed in community can be a source of resilience and renewed meaning for people confronting the existential crises we now face. It can help bring ecoactivists into supportive spiritual community.

Hurricane Isabel

Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Climate Action

Our sacred planet is experiencing challenging transitions, induced by the way the actions of humans are changing the global climate. To heal and restore the living world, and to protect humans who are suffering from the effects of the climate emergency, we humans must unite across many divides to transform how we live on our beautiful planet. Novasutras will participate in the Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Climate Action March 11th.