Sacred People, Sacred Earth Day of Climate Action
Thursday, March 11th
Novasutras is planning four events on GreenFaith’s multi-faith day of global climate action – Sacred People, Sacred Earth. We will start with Reconnection Rituals for managing Climate Grief and Ecoanxiety (3pm March 10th in California, but already March 11th on the other side of the dateline). Next is an online conversation about Holding and Healing Earth’s Three Green Hearts (11:30am March 11th in CA). Then we will have the first meeting of the Surviving the Future Book Discussion Group (2pm March 11th in CA). Finally, the Santa Cruz Novasutras chapter will hold a Public Meditation for Climate Healing in Santa Cruz, CA (4:45pm March 11th).
Our sacred planet is experiencing challenging transitions, induced by the way the actions of humans are changing the global climate. To heal and restore the living world, and to protect humans who are suffering from the effects of the climate emergency, we humans must unite across many divides to transform how we live on our beautiful planet.
Novasutras and Climate Solutions
Like the GreenFaith International Network, Novasutras is a global, multi-faith, community committed to protecting, healing and restoring the living world:

- We stand for equality and against injustice.
- We believe in reverence and compassion for all life.
- We motivate people of faith to lead by example.
- We call upon our leaders to safeguard our future.
In Novasutras, we articulate these principles in our key concepts of agaya and ubuntu.
Ten Demands
As part of the GreenFaith International Network, the Novasutras movement supports these ten demands:
- ENERGY- 100% renewable, clean energy for all!
Sustainable, affordable power for everyone – especially the 800 million people without access to electricity
- FINANCE- Global finance aligned with compassionate values!
Increased financing – in COVID recovery and beyond – for sustainable industry, infra-structure and agriculture
- EMPLOYMENT-Jobs and healthcare for all!
A just transition for workers impacted by climate change through job training, living wage and universal healthcare and insurance
- SELF-DETERMINATION- Respect Indigenous Rights!
A strong defense for the legal rights of Indigenous communities and all environmental protectors
- HOSPITALITY- Welcome for migrants!
Generous opportunities for climate refugees to migrate and establish new homes
- RESTORATION- No more climate pollution!
Net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in wealthy countries by 2030; accelerated finance/technology transfers for global net zero before 2050
- BIO-DIVERSITY- End the planet’s desecration!
No new fossil fuel exploration or infrastructure, no more deforestation; no more habitat or biodiversity loss
- DIVESTMENT- Eliminate immoral investment!
No further financing or COVID bailouts for fossil fuels and exploitative agriculture
- REPARATION-Climate reparations from wealthy countries!
Initiatives by wealthy countries in climate financing and technology transfer, in recognition of these countries’ colonialist and environmental debt
- COMMUNITY- Bold faith community leadership!
Sustained, united action guided by the teachings of our diverse religions, ushering in an equitable, peaceful life for all.
In support of these commitments and demands, and to celebrate the global day of climate action, we have launched a new Climate Solutions page. We are gathering the best climate science. Novasutras will promote climate action and solutions that nurture agaya and ubuntu, particularly those that protect and heal equatorial rainforests, such as the Deal for Nature. If you’re ready to help us in this work, please sign on as a Novasutras Uplifter today.