
Now is the Time for Climate Actions

COP26, the global meeting to decide national trajectories for climate policy, begins when October ends. In response, numerous climate-concerned groups all around the world are calling for mobilizations throughout this month, to demonstrate the widespread public calls for real change in response to the climate crisis.

Organizing in October: Stop Line 3

Today is also Indigenous Peoples’ Day in the United States, so it was important day of action in Washington, DC, for the struggle to stop the flow of oil through Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline, that crosses sacred indigenous lands and waters in violation of treaty rights. This is part of a week of actions led by indigenous water protectors calling for President Biden to cancel the permits.

Paula reports that about 300 “arrestables” were there, with about 1000 total demonstrators who mobilized today.

Novasutras Santa Cruz Joins Efforts to #StopTheMoneyPipeline

On Friday, October 8th, a local group in Santa Cruz, CA took to the sidewalks in front of local branches of Chase Bank and Bank of America, two of the major funders of Line 3 and other fossil fuel projects. We dressed in black, in recognition of the death of so many beings from last week’s pipeline spill at Huntington Beach. Actions at Chase included silent meditation and a die-in, keeping to the more somber theme, but then we also had fun practicing some Civil DISCObedience, in preparation for upcoming actions every Friday until the start of COP26.

Our signs and handouts give a bit more info about how to #StopTheMoneyPipeline and switch to local banks and credit unions. There are more tips and tools to Move Your Money here.

More Mobilizations to Come

Faiths for Climate Justice

Join us as part of these global, multi-faith day of action: Faiths 4 Climate Justice! On 17 and 18 October, faith and spiritual congregations and communities across the world will be taking public prayer actions calling on our leaders and institutions to be bolder on climate justice! In the leadup to the International Climate Negotiations, it is more important than ever that faith communities make our voices heard. We will stand united in calling for: No new fossil fuels or deforestation; A rapid transition to 100% renewable energy; Rich countries to pay for the damage they’ve done; and a sustainable and just recovery from COVID-19 that includes millions of green jobs.

People of faith are rising because we know that the Earth and all people are sacred and at risk!

GreenFaith, a global multi-faith environmental and climate justice organization, invites people of faith to lift up the Global Days of Action at their house of worship on October 17 and join a possible faith-led action on Monday October 18.

Santa Cruz, CA Events ~ International Events

Register here part of these global days of action, coordinated by GreenFaith.

Friday Climate Strikes

Youth-led climate strikes continue throughout the month, particularly on Fridays. Another #UprootTheSystem strike is planned for October 22nd in Washington DC, while Fossil Free Future is calling for a youth Climate Strike on October 29th.

Scenes from a Santa Cruz, CA mobilization on September 24th, 2021. This event was organized by Novasutras, Santa Cruz Climate Action Network and Youth for Climate Justice, with assistance from other local climate activists, in response to Fridays for Future‘s call for a Global Climate Strike to #UprootTheSystem.

Are you in the Santa Cruz, CA area?
Info about local actions and ways to get involved will be posted here.

Anywhere you are in the world, Novasutras encourages you to find and join a local action!

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