Hurricane Blanca Strengthens
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Climate Anxiety: It’s Not Just You

As evidence of climate destabilization increases, more people are experiencing climate anxiety, ecogrief, and similar distress. How common is climate anxiety? How do we deal with the emotions that arise from this escalating climate emergency? Novasutras practices and events serve to nurture and uplift one another during these challenging times.

Urban farming in Chicago. Picture by Linda, Chicago, USA - New crops, CC BY 2.0
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Inspiring a Rapid Transition

Novasutras has joined the Rapid Transition Alliance, a global network of people and organizations working towards the Paris Agreement goals of keeping our Earth’s warming below 1.5 C. This network explores how we can make a rapid transition away from climate disruption, and toward a future where all beings might thrive, sharing stories of hope and success along the journey.

boy in white and blue shirt and blue jeans sitting in green grass
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Resources for Resilient Families and Ecospiritual Kids

Ecospirituality supports well-being in people of all ages. Our allies at The Resilient Activist have great resources for nurturing kids to maintain their resilience through a healthy relationship to living Nature. These include an upcoming class for families, Nature Stories videos and recommended activities, plus links to research on the relationship between climate, nature connection, and mental health for young people.