
A Celebration to Promote Planetary Well-Being this Cross-Quarter

Please join us to celebrate this Cross-Quarter, the midpoint between the December Solstice and the March Equinox. Our Octal Celebrations will feature messages of global wellness, joy and loving-kindness for all beings. These practices remind us of our ecospiritual connection to the Earth-Sun dance.

The precise moment of this Cross-Quarter is February 3rd at 14:40 UTC / 6:40am Pacific, when the sun is overhead at 16° 20? South Latitude. Dr. Michelle Merrill will lead a celebration over Zoom 14 hours before the Cross-Quarter, plus a meditation on Insight Timer Live three hours after the Cross-Quarter.

Image from timeanddate.com

In the northern hemisphere this is the Winter-Spring Cross-Quarter (a.k.a. Imbolc, often observed February 1st or 2nd,), associated with new life. In the southern hemisphere this is the Summer-Fall Cross Quarter (associated with Lughnasad or Lammas, with celebrations emphasizing the first harvest of grains).

To celebrate this Cross-Quarter, Michelle will lead guided meditations, celebratory ritual, and conversation. We are invited to reconnect with the beauty and wonder of Nature. How do we welcome more love and joy for all our relations? What shall we leave behind, as we move into the next turning of our dance around the Sun? What beautiful possibilities beckon us toward the future? We will focus together on reverence, joy and loving-kindness – agaya and ubuntu – for the world.

Tuesday, February 2nd, 4:00pm PST / 23:59 UTC
Celebration on Zoom (90 min, Facilitator: Michelle) The Zoom call offers celebratory ritual and opportunity for conversation, in addition to a guided meditation.

Wednesday, February 3rd, 9:30am PST / 17:30 UTC
Guided Meditation on Insight Timer (45 min, Presenter: Michelle)

Please help spread the word about this Cross-Quarter – tell your friends, share on social media, and help us grow the Novasutras movement.

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