Discussions in Difficult Times to Continue, Thanks to Our Uplifters
As the pandemic took hold and shelter-in-place recommendations became widespread, Novasutras’ Patreon supporters (in our monthly Circle of Agaya and Ubuntu conversation) came up with a plan to begin holding online Daily Discussions. We wanted to improve social connection despite physically distancing, helping grow our emotional resilience and wisdom in community.
In the last days of March and the beginning of April, Novasutras hosted 17 online Daily Discussions. Some were free-form conversations about how people around the world are coping with the pandemic, some focused on themes ranging from alternative economics to self-help meditation techniques. Throughout, we’ve co-created a compassionate environment for all participants to engage in open and authentic speaking complimented by deep and respectful listening.
We’ve posted (mostly unedited) videos from some of these discussions to this playlist on our YouTube channel.
In a few of those Daily Discussions, we talked more specifically about strategies to keep them going. It became clear that to continue to offer lots of discussions and uphold Novasutras principles and values in a healthy way, we would need to engage teamwork more effectively.

Lionel and Michelle worked to develop a process for making sure that other Uplifters could offer these discussions to the Novasutras community in ways that support our movement. We created a plan for Uplifter teams offering online events. Check this Overview of Uplifter Roles for Online Events to learn more.
Now that we have our first cohort of Uplifters trained to work in teams and host these Discussions and other events, we expect to be offering more through the days and weeks to come, including a discussion on grief planned for Saturday, May 9th. As they are scheduled, new events will be posted on the Novasutras Events page and our Calendar.
Do you have a great idea for a Discussion?
Anyone in the Novasutras community is welcome to suggest a Discussion topic or other event idea using this form. Uplifters can help you assemble a team to make it happen.
Want to learn how to help host online events?
Please check this Overview of Uplifter Roles for Online Events to learn more, then complete this form to let us know your interests, your skills, and how to contact you.