Climate justice carolers outside Wells Fargo Bank on Dec 14, 2021. Photo by Barbara Riverwoman
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Climate Caroling and Other Holiday Hijinks

The month of December marks a season of celebration in many parts of our world. We can use this holiday enthusiasm as a time to work for positive change in the world. Climate Caroling is one of the most festive forms of activism. By singing new lyrics to familiar holiday tunes, we can celebrate the season and motivate action to address the climate crisis.

Climate justice carolers outside Wells Fargo Bank on Dec 14, 2021. Photo by Barbara Riverwoman

Picture and videos above are from Climate Caroling in Santa Cruz, CA December 14th, 2021. We’ll do some more Climate Caroling as part of our Solstice celebration at our monthly Climate, Land and Water Meditation gathering on December 19th, and more Climate Caroling in town on December 24th.

You might choose to sing climate justice carols at your local branches of banks that fund fossil fuel projects, at the offices or public appearances of lawmakers, or just in busy public spaces and popular shopping areas. Here are lots of suggested modified carols and hymns from the Melbourne Climate Choir. In Santa Cruz, local climate justice activists modified some lyrics in climate carol sheets from Extinction Rebellion (and made up a couple of new ones) to create festive booklets that we could hand out to any who wanted to join our caroling.

Other Holiday Hijinks

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping are pioneers of anti-consumer caroling and other hijinks to break the trance of holiday consumerism, and celebrate more just, ecologically-sane and humane ways of living in society.

What are some other ideas for public actions to heal consumer addictions or add ecological consciousness to the holiday season? Share your thoughts or links in the comments below.

Celebrate the Solstice in Agaya & Ubuntu

Many holiday traditions have their associated problems. However, seasonal celebration is a wonderful way to build community and share joy. If we are devoted to growing a world of agaya and ubuntu, we need to be aware of the harm some traditions may cause to people and other beings, and make efforts to do better. Here are a few articles sharing ways to reduce the negative environmental impacts of the holidays:

In Novasutras, we encourage celebrations around the December Solstice that bring joy and delight, without bringing a huge carbon footprint or tons of waste. We offer a message of global unity and reverence for nature in our online synchronous meditation at the moment of the Solstice, and build community around the world in our interactive Solstice celebration on Zoom.

How are you celebrating this Solstice? Tell us about your plans in the comments below.
Share your celebration with us!

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