Connecting the Corners: compass showing the cardinal directions, surrounded by images of Earth, Sun, Moon, and the Novasutras symbol.
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Cross-Quarter Nov 7th & Novasutras’ 3rd Anniversary

Celebrate the Cross-Quarter with Us

The cross-quarters are the midpoint between the Equinox and the Solstice. The precise timing of a cross-quarter is defined as the time when the sun crosses Latitude 16° 20?, midway between the Equator and the Tropic line. That will be tomorrow, November 7th at 22:56 UTC (2:56pm PST). Novasutras will host an online celebration beginning at 22:30 UTC.

The November Cross-Quarter is at 22:56 UTC 7 November 2020.  
Sun directly overhead at Lat: 16° 20? S, Long: 168° 05′ W.

Our online octal meditations feature a message of global wellness, joy and loving-kindness for all beings. We celebrate agaya and ubuntu. Agaya is our word for the deep, sacred beauty and complexity of the universe. Ubuntu is a word that highlights our connections and interdependence. Agaya and ubuntu bind us all together in the more-than-human world with reverence, joy, generosity, gratitude, and loving-kindness.

To celebrate the Cross-Quarter moment, we will all focus our attention toward the place where the sun will be directly overhead, and shine our wishes for joy and interconnection from that point out into the world. After the meditation, there will be opportunity to celebrate and converse together, co-creating a vision for the coming year.

Can’t donate right now? Register here.

We honor the need to connect with one another and reconnect with Nature, uplifting one another to empower action for the Earth in supportive community.

Novasutras turns 3 years old!

This cross-quarter marks the third anniversary of the Novasutras website. Our first blog post, Everything is Connected – Here’s How, featured some of the science that supports the Novasutras perspective on ubuntu. (This is our 98th blog post!) Our first octal meditation was offered for the 2017 December Solstice.

In our third year, we’ve seen our newsletter subscribers, Twitter followersPatreon supportUplifter engagement, and donations for online events grow. Views and listens on our blogYouTube and Insight Timer have remained fairly steady.

Charting a Course for Novasutras Next Year

As our organization grows, we maintain our social closeness even while miles apart. By emphasizing ubuntu across distance, we can navigate these times of uncertainty and uprising together.

Since April 2020, we’ve been gathering in ubuntu via online events. Thanks to our Uplifters, we are managing three or more offerings every week. In addition to the Cross-Quarter, please join us for offerings like Discussions in Difficult Times ~ Moon Phase Meditations ~ Reconnection Rituals ~ Connect & Center ~ Circle of Agaya & Ubuntu ~ Catharsis Conversations ~ Focusing Practice.

As we move into Novasutras’ fourth year, we look forward to your ongoing participation in our gatherings, and sharing opportunities to learn about practices to enhance personal well-being, to make us all more effective agents for changes that the world needs.

We also seek to meet the needs of our growing community. To best do that, we need to hear from you!

Please help us determine the best direction for our community in the year to come.

You can also help by adding your suggestions to the comments on this post.

Thank you for all that you do as an agent for ubuntu and agaya in the world!

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