Demonstrators hold a banner reading "Defund Line 3: Tarsands Pipeline: Climate Crisis" in front of Chase Bank in Santa Cruz, CA.
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Working to #StopLine3

Why the Efforts to #StopLine3 Matter

The proposed Line 3 pipeline expansion would despoil the sacred land and water of Minnesota. It is a project of Canadian fossil fuel company Enbridge, to increase their exports of climate-destabilizing tar-sands oil. Line 3 construction violates treaty rights of the indigenous people to fish, hunt and harvest manoomin (wild rice, Zizania palustris). Novasutras stands with the water protectors in the call to #StopLine3.

Water Protectors demand that treaties be respected and call to #StopLine3 – the construction and inevitable spills will desecrate treaty lands.

The expanded Line 3 cuts through the soil and water of four separate treaty lands. These treaties protect the rights of Indigenous people to hunt, fish, and gather on their lands. The destruction, both from construction and inevitable spills, is already disrupting the ability of native communities to gather the sustenance they need and exercise their rights on their own lands.

For Novasutras, holding actions to #StopLine3 are a full expression of agaya and ubuntu. The climate implications of maintaining or expanding tar-sands oil extraction are catastrophic, and the destruction of habitat associated with tar-sands mining is devastating. There is a high likelihood of leaks along the pipeline that would threaten over 200 bodies of water, including the headwaters of the Mississippi River (Enbridge has a terrible record of pipeline leak disasters). This treaty violation is a willful denial of indigenous rights.

We choose to stand in solidarity with the indigenous leaders who are using nonviolent direct action and sacred ceremony to uphold their rights.

#StopLine3 Efforts Everywhere

Resist Line 3 National Info Hub

A up-to-date collection of links to news, actions in Minnesota, national petitions and calls is available at

Pipelines transporting fossil fuels on Turtle Island (aka North America) - from
#StopLine3 to prevent more pipeline spills on Turtle Island (aka North America) - from

One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train.

Morihei Ueshiba

Joining the Water Protectors in Minnesota to #StopLine3

Indigenous Water Protectors have issued repeated calls for people to come to Minnesota and join them in their efforts. The movement has been led by indigenous women, but they are inviting allies of all backgrounds to help. Novasutras founder Dr. Michelle Merrill joined the mass actions in June 2021 as part of the Treaty People Gathering on tribal lands in Minnesota.

Civil Disobedience at San Francisco offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Novasutras joined other local organizations in signing onto a letter to President Biden urging bold and immediate action to protect the climate, honor treaties, and stop Line 3. Michelle was among the group of 18 that went in to occupy the offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the federal agency that issued the permit for the unacceptable Line 3 project); she and four others were detained and cited for this nonviolent direct action.

The occupation of the outer office was livestreamed, where the crowd gathered outside the building watched, chanting and demonstrating their support of this effort to #StopLine3.

Livestream recordings from July 16th 2021 action
  1. The first hour of what was happening inside the USACE office (with a reading of the letter, personal statements about why we were there, and many songs and chants)
  2. Entering the office and knocking on doors
  3. Being told we were trespassing
  4. Officers arriving to arrest activists and discussion of USACE jurisdictions
  5. Just after five were arrested
  6. Interview with Ralph King, Water Protector, after our release
Michelle offers a reverent closing, after arrest at San Francisco action July 16th 2021.

Novasutras Santa Cruz Organizes to #StopLine3

Right now, we are planning another demonstration in downtown Santa Cruz on Friday, July 30th. There will be more to come, until the permits are rescinded and the banks withdraw their funding.

Upcoming Santa Cruz #StopLine3 Events

We stand in solidarity with indigenous water protectors, calling to #StopLine3. We demand that banks stop funding Line 3 and other destructive fossil fuel infrastructure. We urge President Biden and the US Army Corps of Engineers to rescind the permits for Line 3 construction.

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